
In the midst of escalating civil unrest and economic turmoil, King Mswati III of eSwatini has come under scrutiny for his extravagant spending on a new royal fleet. The lavish expenses, estimated at 15 million euros, have triggered protests, strikes, and calls for political transformation in Africa's last absolute monarchy.

As eSwatini grapples with worsening economic conditions and poverty, King Mswati III's recent spending spree on a new royal fleet has intensified tensions. The kingdom is witnessing civil unrest, with civil servants staging strikes for better pay and students protesting against substandard education conditions.

The Fleet Fiasco Unveiled

The eSwatini government's expenditure on the new royal fleet, revealed to be around 15 million euros, has raised eyebrows and invited criticism. Despite attempts by Prime Minister Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini to justify the spending, calling it consistent with the government's vehicle-selling policy, the move has been denounced as "the fleet fiasco."

Public Outcry and Political Opposition

Critics, including Prince Nhlonipho and opposition leader Wandile Dludlu, have expressed outrage over the lavish spending, describing it as a "blatant display of arrogance" that disregards the struggles of the impoverished population.

Dludlu emphasizes the need for a clear separation between the monarch's private resources and public funds, highlighting the systemic issues in eSwatini's political structure.

Calls for Political Transformation

As discontent grows, a new political alliance, the Political Parties Assembly, has emerged with the aim of ousting King Mswati III and transforming eSwatini into a multi-party democracy. Comprising parties such as the People's United Democratic Movement and the Swaziland Democratic Party, along with civil society, this alliance seeks a fundamental shift in the country's political landscape.

Unprecedented Action Against Absolute Monarchy

Reports from Swaziland News indicate that the Political Parties Assembly is gaining momentum as it garners support from various political entities. The alliance's goal is to dismantle the absolute monarchy and establish a more democratic governance structure.

The Trade Union Congress of Swaziland is also actively involved, organizing a march to deliver a petition to Prime Minister Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini, further indicating the breadth of discontent.

March for Change and Reform

As a significant step in the mounting opposition, a march organized by the Trade Union Congress of Swaziland is set to take place, where concerned citizens will deliver a petition demanding political change and reform. The event symbolizes a collective effort to address the grievances of the people and usher in a new era of governance in eSwatini.


eSwatini finds itself at a critical juncture, with economic challenges, public discontent, and calls for political transformation converging. King Mswati III's royal spending has become a focal point for protests, strikes, and forming a political alliance seeking democratic change.

The nation stands on the brink of a transformative period as citizens demand accountability and a shift away from absolute monarchy.